Beginning of the Year Forms
Downloadable Forms
These forms are available for download online for your convenience. A copy will be sent home with your child(ren). Please sign and return the forms to the school.
Enrollment Form
Please fill out the enrollment form below and return it to either the elementary or high school office at school
Student Handbooks
Students will receive a copy of the handbooks at the beginning of the year, however we have a digital version here as well for your convenience.
If you have any questions, please contact Elementary Principal, or Middle School/High School Dean of Students,
Computer Handbook Forms
Students at Kadoka Area Schools will have access to computer laptops. Students in grade 4-12 will be assigned their own laptop, while classrooms with students in Junior Kindergarten through 3rd grade will be provided with a computer to student ratio of approximately 2:1. High School students are allowed to take their laptops home, provided they are in good standing.
If you have any questions, please contact our Technology Coordinator,
Athletic Forms
All students who compete in athletics need to have a physical once every 3 years. However, Interim Physical Forms, Consent Forms, and Concussion Forms need to be filled out on an annual basis.
If you have any questions, please contact our Activities Director,
Student Accident Insurance Coverage
Voluntary Online Form (Spanish)
Voluntary Coverage & Enrollment form
Open Campus Forms
All high school students who wish to have open campus for lunch must first have the lunch open campus agreement filled out and turned into the office
High school lunch open campus agreement
All seniors who wish to have senior open campus must first have the senior open campus agreement filled out and turned into the office.
Impact Aid Survey Form
(Please fill out and turn in prior to September 26, 2024)
Free & Reduced Application Form
Indian Ed 506 Form